Greetings! I am wondering what your experience has been with obtaining house insurance for your tiny house? I am contacting companies now to get that set up for mine. Have you worked with a company you would recommend? Thank you!
Honey Harvest
Hello all, I didnt know if this would be the best way to communicate ideas for the event? Also if preferred we could have an in person meeting (Pavilion pow-wow) either on labor day or late afternoon on Sunday the 10th. Vivian emailed me back and said if its going...
Dehumidifier & Hygrometer
I don't know if anyone else is keeping an eye on their humidity levels in their homes. But that's something most tiny home owners say is important as they are made pretty air tight and you don't want mold issues.. I purchased a Hygrometer when we first moved in and...
Mini-split maintenance
Hi Neighbors! Just sharing a video as I had no idea of the proper maintenance necessary for a smooth running mini-split. Please share tips you are learning too!
Infrared Dry Sauna – Thoughts Neighbors?
Greetings neighbors! It's getting close to move in and I'm donating, selling and organizing, like most of us. Something I don't want to give up in my quest for self care and relaxation in my aging years, is my sauna. I LOVE my dry sauna! I would love to share...
Storage & Household solutions to keep our tiny’s organized
I put this on teh FB page but thought I'd add it here for anyone that not using FB. Good Morning fellow neighbors. Not sure if you’re like me. But I searched and tried planning my house out before we even got it! I even stayed in a unit that...
Mosquito reducing tactics
Hey everyone with the extra snow we had this winter it sounds like the mosquitos will be thick this year. I wanted to share some tactics on systems we will put in place to help in future years plus what you can do now. Feel free to share other successful...
Residents Directory!
"Directory" OK I will update this as we get more spaces filled. Above is what I have for now!
Tools and supplies to keep, share, donate
We will be bring a load or 2 of the patio equipment that Deb is donating in about a week or two. We will set it at the cabin. I can take some pictures and post it so everyone knows what will be in the common spaces to use. If...