Hair salon: Barb’s Family Haircare in Taylors Falls, Locksmith: Amador, Coffee and Sweet rolls: Uncle Donuts, Fast, yummy Mexican food: Poco Loco, Candy and ice cream, also bakery items Thursday-Sunday: Plumbing: Comfort Systems, Electric: Andrei Electric, Skirting, other indoor or outdoor construction projects:...
Local Marine Mills Folk School Classes
Hi all! Just sharing local opportunity for learning folk art with others. Looks like fun!
Combo Washer/Dryer
Hi all! If you have a combo w/d, could you please share your opinion, brand and the pros/cons you have experienced? Thank you in advance.
Residents’ Library
Hi Everyone! As I work on divesting myself of STUFF, one of the hardest things is books! I was thinking about the idea we discussed last night of having a library for the residents and I think that would be great. I'm not sure where there are thoughts of having...
Agenda for November 13 meeting We can develop an agenda at the meeting, but if anyone has time or interest to communicate thoughts before the meeting, I'm open to getting the process started. Here are some of my thoughts. People should comment, add, suggest edits, or whatever. After this morning,...
Community needs
Hello I will post things from time to time as I notice things needed. For now I think just the 4 planters up by the sign need to be dumped out in the garden and containers saved for next spring. Thought I'd mention it while the weather was still pleasant!...
Chicken Topics
Ihave added Cody to the the chicken care rotation and updated 📅& went out a couple rotations. If there is any dates that don't work, feel free to see if someone wants to swap weeks with you or if you you are having a hard time finding some to cover,...
First Friday meetings
Here are the minutes from last Friday's meetings. We can use the topics here to create new topics for followup discussion. Anyone can feel free to start the conversation! TINY TIMBERS FIRST FRIDAYS POTLUCK/MEETING 11/03/23 Attendees: Nicole, Robin, Cody, April, Brian B, Teri, Mary, Emily, Arthur, Deb, Gregg, Holly, Melissa....
Test again
Bitworks Testing notifications of new topics
Soil testing/what veggies you will be planting next year?
Good morning! Today, I spoke with Cory from the Wisconsin Department of Ag, A wonderful resource if anyone has a questions regarding soil; I think he works mostly with farmers but was happy to answer my gardener questions. Cody Calkins (608) 224‐4604. I plan to send in a sample...